It was a teachable moment.

Standing there watching the 23 ten year old boys gathered around their teacher...Mr. Dieth...as he opened the gifts, for his baby shower. I think it may have been the first male baby shower I have ever witnessed or even heard of. Brilliant idea thought of by a wonder mom, Laura, who is always thinking of the thoughtful things that make people happy and surprised and feeling like a million bucks.

Mr. Dieth and his wife had tried everything to conceive a child...but no luck or blessing or stork to brighten their hopes and dreams of building a bundle of boys or girls to call their own. Then-as God would have it...when they least expected it...life lit up their lives...letting them know, that things happen in God's time...and not ours-but usually exactly when they're supposed to.

The big boys laughed as the gift bags produced a baby Lacrosse jersey and gymboree t's, diapers and blankets...a bassinet and picture frames...and all the warm Love that comes to every young family from those who share in their hopeful anticipation of the joy that will bring countless sleepless nights, tons of dirty diapers and gallons of spilled milk.

I Loved watching this scene...listening to my own son Zachary's editorial remarks...and his fun Loving frolicking with his classmates and his beloved teacher-who is perhaps one of the most warmly compassionate men that my children have ever been blessed to know.

Yes-it was certainly a teachable moment...even though you won't find it written in any textbook...or syllabus...But there's no doubt in my mind that today's life lesson will leave a deep, lasting imprint on the hearts and minds of all the children and even the adults who honored the young couple for opening their hearts and and their minds by welcoming the sanctity and gift of new life-human life-into their lives and into the lives of others.

Teachable, timeless, moments!


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