I sat in a meeting last night and watched the anger bubble up and boil over...
bitter words, caustic responses...the slamming door, the rush to defend...Humanity at its weakest...wound up, woefully worked up and wrongfully wielding an unrelenting weapon...rage. For me-it was the saddest picture. One huge temper tantrum.

It brought back distant memories of a life that has died...and disintegrated into the dust bins of the devil's dirty little handiwork. C.S. Lewis would have a field day with this scene...and probably another best seller.

My life lessons are many-but my lack of control over the lives of others ranks right up there with the daily decisions that define my life today. And I'm glad. It's exhausting thinking you can be the CEO and V.P. of the universe, maneuvering men and women into compliance with their higher calling. Saving lives-saving souls is a lofty goal...somebody's gotta do it...But I'm learning it's not me...I'm letting the real mover and shaker, my God-move the mountain of mayhem that always blocks people from seeing the light.

My role is to be the very best at what I do best...Opening my heart and my mind to the power and the Love of the Holy Spirit...so that my life can be an example that with God, anything is possible...and nothing is impossible...To let my joy radiate the source of that Love-to each and everyone I meet...and to honestly see the hope that has been written in the hearts of all of humanity.

Some of the most inspirational leaders, the Dali Lama, Mother Teresa, Rev Yehuda Ashlag, Pope John Paul II...lived as they taught...and taught-what they lived...and so their lives have created legacies of hope for others who are lost in lonely despair and soul binding, uncontrollable rage.

With universal wisdom and wondrous faith-these human beings made sacrifice seem so easy...and so appealing...Their fine tuned egos became instruments of inspiration in a world of intellectual relativism...They mattered to us, still matter-because they lead, by following the lead of a power greater than their personal whims or their private desires...They let go and let the universal energy of their higher power lift them and others through them -to the joy and fulfillment that is our eternal destiny.

And so as I think about last night...and the angry people...It is a lesson to me in the art of living-to never let go of the gifts that I have been given, because there is nothing sadder than when we give away our power-our higher power-to angry confrontation. We never win...those human battles -because we always lose a part of our serenity and our purity of spirit...and we always interrupt the natural flow of energy that produces a feeling of harmony and happiness.

It's important to remember that, finding inner freedom fuels our external feelings with peace and patience and a purpose that can't be damaged or destroyed-no matter how ill willed others may be.

So let's set our standards high-elevated by Love and joy and together we can conquer the angry outbursts and temper tantrums designed by a force that is fumbling around us-but doesn't have to control us.


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