It appears I'm part Jewish as well. My long lost cousin Leroy in Texas has been reading my blogs thanks to my cousin in California, Mary and he spilled the beans today. A grandmother many moons ago- on my dad's side claims the honor--and now so do I.

This is what I love about modern technology. You really can let your fingers do the walking and the talking. I haven't seen or heard from Leroy in more years than I care to admit--but now-we're blogger buddies with a budding new relationship!

I don't know when it began happening, but I seem to be getting more emotional...more syrupy than I used to be. I took my fourth son Jacob, in for his EEG today-and just seeing him laying on the gurney, electrodes hooked up to his head, made the waterfall bubble up. Of course the rock of Gibraltar that I am- plugged up the dyke before he found out. I didn't want to worry him...

He asked me before we went in if I would please tell him the truth- if there is something medically wrong with him. He's my honest Abe...the spirit of the family. We won't know for sure until the Neurologist sees the results, but the tech thinks we're out of the woods...that his trembling legs aren't brain related. Since my sister died of a brain aneurysm at 33 just five months after the birth of her second child...and she developed epilepsy around Jacob's age...we decided to be safe rather than sorry..Please keep praying.

I looked around the hospital and saw other sick in a wheelchair, unable to move or speak clearly. His mom looked worn out-circles under her eyes..ashen heart went out to her. I'm so grateful for the blessing of health my children have received thus far...for their overzealous energy especially at bedtime...and always when I'm trying to write late at night. I'm grateful that they can stomp up and down the steps...and chase each other through the house screaming at the top of their lungs...I'm grateful when they eat me out of house and home and when they think of another new video game or gadget they just can't live without...I'm grateful they have the presence of mind to tell me when they're mad at me or when I've hurt their feelings...or that they Love me anyway. All these things that used to unnerve me as a young mom-give me a sense of peace now-(although mostly when they're asleep)---because my kids are alive and well and growing and getting stronger every single day.

You see we do get better with age...wiser and wide eyed all over again...We get rid of the blind ambition and the fog lifts so that we can clearly see the manna from heaven --and the many marvelous gifts in the faces and yes -even in the attitudes of the ones we Love!


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