The world's a safer place thanks to my baby brother. Actually, he's only one year younger, although he's one year older-today. HAPPY BIRTHDAY ROBERT!

Uncle Robert, as my kids call him, is defending our nation in the good ole U.S. Army. I guess growing up as an Air Force brat wasn't good enough...he went with the tough guys. After college Robert joined the Army Corps of Engineers. Just the mention of the corps makes people here in New Orleans squirm -because of the flood waters that poured through the Levees after Hurricane Katrina. But I have a tremendous, unabiding respect for the Army guys and gals who make our world a safer place to live.

I know it's shocking when the bad guys draw blood and our cherub faced men and women come home in coffins...But never forget they are fighting for our freedom ...and our future freedom. While they're away dying, we're here smiling, while they're serving on foreign soil, we're sitting safely at home, while they're losing their health, they're letting us keep ours.
They're the fortress that makes us feel strong.

Military men and women and yes-their kids...are a society unto themselves. They talk differently, think differently and see the world differently...through a wide open lens that puts just about everything in perspective.

My brother has seen it all...from the distant desert of Afghanistan to the lush greenery of Germany. Bandits held a gun to his side while on duty in Lima Peru...and falling from the sky he almost fell to his death when he got hung up in his parachute...He calls it his personal miracle when suddenly- he snapped free and pulled the cord that saved his life. I'm sure his personal repertoire is even more exciting...but bragging isn't Robert's cup of tea...Not this "Officer and a Gentleman"... In fact, getting anything out of him is like pulling teeth...but I guess it's all that top secret training that makes the rest of us feel like they've got it there's no "mission that's impossible" for them...the Army is armed and ready to go!

It's all in a days work for Lt. Colonel Robert's what he does best, what he likes to do, what he's made a career doing...and we're the beneficiaries...we're the ones who get to sit back in our serenity and pull the world and the wars apart...while he's trying his best to hold it all together.

I'm very proud of my brother...proud of his lifelong dedication to me and my family and the rest of the moms and dads and kids out there who don't even know he's around. I'm proud that he carried on the military tradition, when the rest of us said we'd had enough.

The kids and I visited Robert at his latest post in Albuquerque New Mexico...christened his new home and marveled at his designer details....He's really something...and believe me-he's the kind of guy you want worrying about your world--because in fact he's given you the world--a more peaceful world. It's his birthday today--but everyday is a celebration for the rest of us...because of him and other soldiers like him. Never lose sight of that--and please, always keep Robert and the rest of our soldiers -in your hearts and in your prayers!


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