Hope Is Alive!

As long as there is a breath of life, there is hope, even after, but that's the dimension we won't need to worry about once we get there, so for now, just remember - if you're alive, hope is alive.

I heard a man tonight say he wanted to die today, wanted to give up on his life, because he couldn't pay his bills or his rent. He received his eviction notice and didn't know where to turn.
He thought about killing himself, but he didn't. And I don't think he will. He may not feel it or express it, but deep down inside he has hope , otherwise he wouldn't have been able to talk about the desire to die. Deep inside he was hoping that someone would reach out and help him.

Talking about our problems is the best anecdote for what ails us,putting our problems out there in the universe, means we believe there is a solution. We believe that someone out there with the heart, will give us the hope.

Whether you are sick, or love sick, lost or feeling abandoned, weary or worn out, never give up hope, because as you live and breath, in sickness and as in health, your value is determined by one thing and one thing only, your life. God knew you before you were formed in the womb and anointed you before you were born.

It is my prayer tonight, that this troubled man and every other wounded soul will take comfort in this knowledge, the knowledge that as long as they are alive, hope is alive.  And heaven is happier because with every breath you take, in whatever state you are in, God receives the joy and the glory and the gratitude of this most precious grace filled gift, the gift of eternal Life!


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