"A hearty laugh gives us distance. It allows us to step back from an event, deal with it and then move on." Bob Newhart

Someone pointed out, quite pointedly today-that I am always laughing. I thought-not always-but a lot...and a lot more these days...and it sure feels good. There was a time when I didn't feel like laughing, or crying or even talking...I simply didn't feel much of anything...I felt numb and obviously depressed. I felt like the walking dead. It was a bad place to be and an overwhelming sense of hopelessness to overcome.

My memory of that time is dim...faded by the feelings of peace and joy, Love and hope that carry me through my days and deep into the night...Knowing that life is offering beautiful possibilities and plenty of amazing opportunities. It took a lot of soul searching honesty for me to arrive at this place of freedom...the destination most people crave but often spend a lifetime chasing after. I tripped and fell more times than I can recall, but I kept getting back up and moving forward, one step at a time, one prayer at a time, surrendering my brokenness to a power and a plan that promised true freedom, from the chains that bound me.

The soul binding pain slowly but surely ebbed away...but only when I released it-facing it head on by accepting the help I needed to make myself the healthy, joyful person God intended me to be. That's the key...letting down the walls that block the freedom that flows so easily when the coast is clear.

Laughing comes so naturally...even amid the chaos and the serious issues that I am dealing with every single day...because I have learned that there are so many more things to smile about than to frown upon...and there is very little that can't be overcome...because to paraphrase the Dali Lama, "If there is a solution, there is no problem."

And besides, "Laughter is the corrective force which prevents us from becoming cranks." Henri Bergson

God knows-this world doesn't need anymore cranks-and I for one am happy that I am apparently not one of them...because my ability to laugh is getting noticed!


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