The Dance of Life

I've always believed that in this life- there is a battle raging -between good and evil, between right and wrong. It doesn't seem to matter how much faith we have or how much good we do-or even how hard we try-all of us, at one time or another-fall prey to an intangible force that slowly, carefully and methodically moves to devour its victims. We see the human wreckage all the time in the vast landscape of violence--physical, emotional and verbal.

The weapon of words often cut deepest, scarring and sometimes mutilating the very dignity of the human person. The walking wounded wander aimlessly through life... haunted by insecurity and fear...feeling worthless and betrayed.

It doesn't seem to matter how much faith we have or how much good we do-sometimes bad things happen. Sometimes things are out of our control. Sometimes, trying to control, we make bad choices.

And sometimes-more often than not-we pick ouselves up, wipe the worry from our faces, put one foot in front of the other, and put ourselves out there--marching to the beat of the drum until the natural rhythm and rhyme of the dance that is our life's melody -leads us to the healthy, loving lyrics of our unique theme song. Sometimes all it takes is letting go and letting God...letting a power greater than ourselves teach us the right dance steps -so that we can stop stumbling over our own big feet over and over again.

I absolutely believe that there is a rhythm and and a rhyme to our lives...and when we hit the wrong cord, or choose the wrong beat the only melody that can be heard is the sour, sorrowful note of discord.

And so, let us be lead by the hum of the spirit, the song of serenity and the lyrical laughter that warms the soul and renews us with true inspiration and wisdom-as we waltz, or rumba or two step our way through the dance of life -and beyond!


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