I attended a healing service tonight, because I have a lot of people I'm praying for and I figured if I can't get them there-I'd go in their place. It's quite acceptable to do that...To be a stand in for one or two or many Loved ones who need a healing. So that's what I did...I stood there and asked God to intercede on their behalf and give them that miracle healing that will make them whole...And if you're reading this, you know who you are!

I know I have some kinks in my armour...but it dawned on me tonight...to pray for a complete healing of my heart. When the heart is healed the heavy emotional wounds that keep hurting us and separating us from God and others eventually slip away. Everything not only feels different, it looks different and so we react differently.

Father Richard Mcalear brought his healing ministry to New Orleans this week as part of the Catholic Charismatic Renewal. As I watched the faithful raise their hands in praise and worship, some of them speaking in tongues, I felt grateful to be among so many deeply faithful people. I also felt grateful for the crosses I have carried and the healings I have already received. There is no greater joy, than to know that God has rescued you from the dark abyss of despair...There is no greater gift you can give to someone else-than to share with them the gift of your resurrection.

It often takes what seems like forever to recognize that the grace that carried you through, is abundantly available...and completely transferable to those we Love. Every time we drop to our knees in prayer or raise our hands to the heavens on someone's behalf-God is listening-and Loving every minute of your steadfast belief.

I know only time will tell, but I firmly believe that tonight's healing service has triggered some pretty distinctive divine intervention...and so the miracles are already in the making!


Rachel said…
God's healing is truly amazin. As I have often experienced He heals inside out - it is deep, complete healing.

This verse came to mind:

1 Peter 3:12 For the eyes of the LORD are on the righteous, And His ears are open to their prayers; But the face of the LORD is against those who do evil."


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