I've finally faced my fears and joined Facebook. My friend Kat suggested it weeks ago...but technology has never been my first Love...maybe because it's too precise and there's little margin for error. I like flying around in outer space, maneuvering the different dimensions to an unknown date with destiny.

Anyway-there she appeared...a childhood chum more than three decades removed and separated by an ocean of circumstance. Susan and I were next door neighbors at Hahn Air Force Base, Germany. Two military brats who braved the bitter cold, sliding down the icy hill behind our building in our boots and boldly singing and dancing our way into some pocket change as we performed for our parents in black cabaret berets.

She had a beautiful, smooth, singing voice and an air of sophistication that I admired ...and I remember a shiny orange, patent leather purse that really stole the show. I have thought about her over the years...wondered where she wound up...and lately-she kept coming to mind. Then out of the blue-there she appears-on my Facebook page...asking if I am her playful partner from world's away. Funny how that works!

Catching up is a wonderful gift...because as most military kids will tell you-the disconnect from years of leaving behind friends and family...is a loss that never really goes away...The childhood bonds that most people take for granted are but a distant dream for the kids of service men and women all over the world. Our lives are revolving doors and merry go rounds that spin out of control-until our dad's or mom's call it quits.

When we both moved back to the states, we wrote long letters detailing our new adventures...But there's something about the psychology of letting go of people every few years with every move...that makes it easy to just move on.

I'm excited that we've re-connected...through the miracles of modern technology...and I'm glad I followed Kat's suggestion...to join the ever growing crowd of people who are meeting and greeting and sharing the stories of their lives through the vast, Internet highway.

Of course this new adventure is only the beginning...Now my son Jacob says I need a My Space page as well...After all-he informed me, "If President Obama has one-you should too!" How's that for raising the bar? And today I heard on the radio about Twitter...and of course there's always Oprah's well known venue, Skype...What's a girl to do with so many choices?! No where to hide!

Too much to think about...But as tedious as the technology may be...I'm discovering daily, it truly is a life link.


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