Sit Back and Watch!

I have learned, over the last year- not to react. It is perhaps the greatest mistake we make as humans. Acting on impulse-reacting--to another's actions-or circumstances that are beyond our control.

I am learning to sit back and watch, while others quickly destroy themselves. I watch as they repeat the same behaviors over and over again...reacting to the fear within that comes from their own pain, their own feelings of persecution and the private pity party they attend on a daily basis.

I learned a long time ago, that the really Holy people, say very little, they defend themselves even less. Deep within they know--that steady patience produces time insulated serenity, and that bears greater fruit-than all the justifications and slick talking charm -that so many people use to play with other peoples lives.

I met an old friend Stacy, today at the grocery. Our long overdue hello ran into overtime as we took a stroll down memory lane and reviewed the possibilities for a faith inspired future career.
Her enthusiasm reminded me that good people don't dwell on the past...they are too busy putting God in the present. I felt warmed by her presence and the providential timing of our surprise meeing.

When Jesus reached out his hand to Mary Magdalene-he set the standard---forever. Never once losing his patience with her, or his faith in her, or his loyalty to her God given dignity. We don't really know for sure-how long it took for her to really get really embrace her new life...a life of renewal and recovery and Christ centered reality. But we do know-that she stayed the course-with Jesus...and she is, for eternity, pivotal in the story of the salvation of humankind. We also know, that if she was good enough for Jesus-she's good enough for us. And that's a good thing, because it also means we're good enough-for just about anything or anyone--including God.

People who persecute are painfully poisoned by their own pain...Put them aside-and move on-because, like Mary Magadalene, you are not to be judged or executed because of your past. Forgiveness means never having to look back.

Simple serenity releases the soul...and saves our energy for a life of divine inspiration. I believe that is a much greater gift to embrace, than the futile fight to be right...because that's usually when things turn out all wrong!

So easy does day at a time...and go with the loving, patient God. That's my recommendation. Then sit back and watch--how many amazing, peaceful blessings come your way!


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