Sunshine, Sunset

A bright orange sun, set tonight over the city of New beackoned me as I drove...with a power and an energy that can only come from above...Peace and Love radiated from its very core...and I felt an amazing sense of being and belonging and purpose.

I agreed to share my story tonite at the 8pm AA meeting. My friend called me two weeks ago and said he couldn't make it, so he said he prayed for a replacement and the Holy Spirit told him to call me. Don't you just love when people pull the God card on you? I told him to call the Holy Spirit back and tell him I have a few requests myself. Just kidding.

I shared from a book I'm writing about my life...memoirs of the incredible highs and the incredible lows. Alcoholism used to be one of the lows, but now it's one of the amazingly poignant gift now that I've embraced it with open arms. Took me forever to get to this point...long after I put down the spirits...but recovery is a lifelong process, because the real challenge is changing old unhealthy habits and ways of thinking...I'm working diligently on that...
trying hard to not give away my personal higher power.

The room was packed made me feel good to see so many people trying so hard to stay's not easy. Self will has nothing to do with addiction--it's a disease and it has to be treated that way. A sheriff's deputy came up to me after I spoke and cried in pain. He's trying to stop drinking because it's killing his marriage. I know he can do it. He's got the will to stop...and if he keeps coming back and listening to those who are living a healthier way of life...he'll join the ranks of an international club destined to lead others into true freedom and a heavenly way of life...right here on earth.

Tonite's sunset was a gift to me...from my higher power --a gift of warmth and support...and an example of the brilliant, luminous love that awaits me...every single second of every single day.
I'm thankful for this day-another day of sobriety and clearly--another bright promise of a future filled with sunshine, sunsets and simple serenity.


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