Out of the Mouths of Babes!

Out of the mouths of babes! My youngest son Zachary will be ten next month -but lately it feels like he's 15...Last night we were talking about the possibility of selling our family home...it's a little too big for me and his brothers ...but it's our home and well-like the song says--letting go is hard to do...Zachary knows I'm struggling to make the right decision...so he gives me a big hug and says, "It's okay mom-even if we live in a box, I'm going to live with you!" Wow-those words-that voice of support- meant the world to me!

The odds are good that we won't be living in a box...in fact, according to another of my wise young sons, 11 year old Jacob...there's manna awaiting in heaven....Jake has been eyeing me throughout the last couple years...watching the wisdom of the woman he calls mom..as she maneauvers life's landmines...apparently in his eyes, I'm making the grade...

Jake told me a story he learned in school about this wealthy man who had everything on earth, but shared nothing...selfishly storing his possessions for himself...then there was this lady who was struggling to make ends meet...but she shared everything she had with a generosity of spirit...Jacob said when the man got to heaven he lived in a grass hut with a dirt floor...Jacob looked me in the eye repeating "it was a dirt floor mom, there was not even a rug." He said now the lady-because of her kindness... moved into a mansion with many rooms....he said while some people we know are getting grass huts..."you are getting a mansion with many rooms." It's enough to make any mom want to try childbirth one more time...even if you've got five sons like me.

Let's face it-I'm not always the most luminous leader--I have lost my cool, lashed out, licked my wounds and lulled myself into believing that I don't deserve so many damn issues...You've probably been there-to the pity party--that only makes matters worse..."After all I've done for you"...or "I can't believe you would do this to me!" or "I can't take anymore problems." ...poor me, poor me, pour me another drink! The party always fizzles out and we're always left to clean up the messes we make.

Since I know my kids are watching-waiting in the wings to ride the wondrous wave of good ole mom's sage words of wisdom...I reach down deep into my being--even when my emotions say enough...and pull as hard as I can on that inner spiritual foundation that is the reservoir of
enlightenment which is our divine inheritance...a heavenly roadmap to peaceful wisdom through the worldly rollercoaster ride--and the generous guide to the peaceful forgiveness that is at the heart of unconditional Love and total acceptance.

It's obvious, my kids are watching...and so I am watching myself more closely...so that what they see...is exactly what I want them to see...what I want them to learn, how I want them to behave when life on life's terms isn't all we've dreamed about. Out of the mouths of babes--I've learned a very adult lesson about how to conduct my life especially when I'm feeling boxed in!


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