Found My Soul In a Sweet Potato Patch

My friend Monica found her soul in a sweet potato patch. Digging in the hard soil, in the heat of the early morning sun...uprooting the golden sweet potato from the fertile fields...she dug deep into her inner core...deep into her consciousness...into the heart and soul of who she was destined to become. It was as if God had designed this work just for her...hard and labor intensive, requiring hours a day standing and stooping in the scorching hot sun--the kind of monotonous work that will either make you go crazy--or make your mind stronger. As the daughter of a Louisiana sharecropper, it may have seemed like Monica Pierre had the odds stacked against her...but actually, everything was working in her favor. You see-God was in charge.

Tilling the soil, toiling away the hours, beneath a sea of blue that stretched above her for miles and miles...Monica learned that the sky was the limit...and her imagination the inspiration to realizing her dreams. As she worked, she day she planted the fields, she planted her she harvested the crops, she harvested her future...when she wasn't feeling sorry for herself, or cursing the work, Monica found consolation in cultivating her seeing the unlimited possibilites God had in store for her, had planned for her-that were waiting for her ...for just the right time...when her mind would be ripe and ready to be picked and planted in an amazing field of opportunity.

I met Monica more than 20 years ago when we were young, aggressive TV reporters...we lost contact over the years-but fate or better yet-God- guided us back to one share our mutual admiration and our common desire to empower others with the seeds of our experiences.
Monica has harvested quite a few an Emmy Award winning journalist, author and motivational speaker...and popular New Orleans radio show personality -whose smooth, silky voice is a refreshing wake up call in the wee hours of the morning. She is one of those rare flowers of faith who continue to bloom well after the harvest. Because her field of dreams, her belief in herself is so deeply rooted, in the conviction of her unlimited possibilities...that she continues to grow and blossom with each passing season.

Monica writes in her book, Found My Soul In A Sweet Potato Patch, "Planting seeds of possibility demands faith that there will be a wonderful harvest at the end of the season...It's time to create your destiny. Get up right now and plant your seed of greatness."
Go on-remember-there is a time for every season...and this is your time!

If you'd like to learn more about Monica, here's her site-


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