It's that time of the month-(girls you know what I mean)- and I'm feeling discombobulated. I'll bet you've never heard that word before-but I use it for lack of a better term. Discombobulated. For a few days each month I experience emotions with a poignancy that surpasses my general moods swings. I used to avoid those feelings like the plague. But, believe it or not as I've evolved through the years, I've grown comfortable with those feelings. I even try to still myself, to get to the heart of what I'm feeling, and work through the issues that spawn the sudden tears, or fears or resentments or pain. So often in life we cling tightly to the good times, the good feelings and avoid experiencing at all cost-the painful, hurtful emotions. We run from them, bury them and suffocate ourselves in the process. Eventually-whether we like it or not-what goes in, must come out...so the internal geyser erupts and spews forth deep seeded, repressed emotions.

I've learned that by yielding, I've been able to overcome. By centering myself, I'm able to stand steady. By not resisting, I'm able to endure. So the good news is that the negative energy no longer weighs me down or wears me out and I am able to walk through the emotional experience with a clear, healthy, perspective. Nonresistance, living in the now-in the moment, whatever the feeling, naturally leads us from the negative to the positive...to a center of peace and contentment and an overall feeling of well being. Now-getting to this point hasn't been a cakewalk. In fact, I've gone to extremes-including numbing myself on alcohol, or food or shopping or relationships-in a subconscious attempt to drown out the uncomfortable feelings. But that never works-only magnifies the feelings, creating a cataclysmic explosion that in my case-rocked my world to the very core. It takes a lot of personal effort to overcome the unhealthy responses to the uncomfortable inner rumblings. But it can be done.

"The Tao of Inner Peace," is a simply brilliant roadmap to finding personal balance and integration with our emotional cycles and the cycles of nature. If we are open and willing to learn we discover it is important for us to listen closely to the voice within, to recognize the roots of our emotions-so that we can neutralize the negative cycles-and re-focus our energies. Eventually the fruits of our labor lead us to a more consistantly relaxed, peaceful state--in any situation, at any time...and quite unexpectedly-before we know it...even when we are feeling discombobulated...at this time of the month!


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