Another young man died here last week from a drug overdose. When I heard the story my heart sank in sadness...An 18 year old victimized by drugs-another family reeling with pain.

It has been my experience that the drugs may have triggered this young man's death, but the dying began long before that fatal day.

You see, no one decides to become an addict. No one revels in the possibility of killing themselves. That's just not any one's goal because that's not how God wired us. There are always facilitating circumstances that open the door to a deeply destructive and increasingly demonic darkness that all too often leads to death.

In medical circles addiction is a brain disease. Once it has been kicked off in a person-there is no turning back. There is only one remedy-abstinence from drugs or alcohol...Refusing that first drink or drug.

In spiritual circles there is the belief of a demonic dimension. Since drugs and alcohol impair judgment and lower defenses, they are windows of opportunity for Satan to lead us into harmful behaviors that we might normally never engage in.

The abuse of drugs or alcohol is often fueled by a deep woundedness and a desire to numb pain or free a person from their inhibitions. Unfortunately, for those who are genetically predisposed to addiction, the substance becomes so enticing it eventually takes full possession of an addicts mind, body and spirit-strangling their sense of self and their will to survive drug free. An addict refuses to stop- because the compulsion to use-seems beyond their human control.

It often takes years to seduce a person into full fledged addiction, but when it happens all hell breaks loose. The addict is drawn into self destructive behavior which spreads to the family and eventually out into the community.

Addiction is an epidemic in America and it is one disease we can no longer afford to underestimate. Here in New Orleans drugs have been the driving force behind the crimes committed by more than 70% of the inmate population at Orleans Parish Prison. District Attorney Leon Cannizarro says if we treat the addict-we'll see a reduction in crime.

Most people don't know much about addiction...I knew very little-and cared even less about this disease before it almost killed me several years ago. My lack of understanding and my fear of the humiliating stigma of being an alcoholic, imprisoned me in denial and in the paralyzing possibility that my life would never be the same. Little did I know that recovery-would be the beginning of my complete and total healing...Triggering true, soul inspiring freedom. So you see-there is help and there is always hope...Which is exactly the opposite of what the dark side is trying to seduce us into believing.

I will be sharing my story of faith inspired recovery next month,
August 27Th and 28Th in beautiful Natchez Ms. This quaint southern town will host Evangelization 2010...A weekend of testimonies from intellectually inspiring powerhouses like near death survivor, Howard Storm. More on his story next time...But today, you can find out more about what promises to be a life changing weekend by calling 1 800 647 6724 or 601 446 6345 or contacting

If you are worried that someone you Love may be an addict or alcoholic, or if you are scared it may be you-The first step is acceptance...the next step is to learn the true lesson of humility and get some help. I can promise you through recovery and a solid relationship with God...The darkness will eventually drift away and your life will light up in ways you never could have imagined!


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