My youngest son Zachary kissed my forehead, my chin, my left cheek, then my right cheek and finally-announced, "That was a Cross...Now it's sacred." "What's sacred-my face?" I asked, amused. "Yes," he replied, with a grin and then walked away. "That's pretty awesome," I exclaimed.

How about that! I've lost face, saved face and fell on my face...and now my face is "sacred"...That's pretty deep and redeeming and really amazing coming from a ten year old.

In one bold gesture, Zack let me-his mom-know-that I'm high priority, high on his list of the world's greatest wonders...and wonderful enough to seal his Love with a kiss and the greatest symbol of Love-the Cross. Where do they come up with these ideas?!

I'll tell you where-probably from me. Our home is a virtual Basilica, adorned with everything spiritual...from authentic church kneelers to four foot high iron Crosses hung high above the winding Cross stairwell. With all that facing him everywhere he turns, it's no wonder Zack is willfully punctuating his personal stamp of approval on my face.

But I think he also knows that the symbols in our home, are the signs of what moves us most in our lives... and for me-the Cross carries the belief that the best is yet to come, when the burdens are carried in true surrender-to the only one with the wisdom to make Miracles out of our messes.

My kids have carried their share of Crosses right on into puberty and beyond, and believe me-they've walked away with a wonderful sense of right and wrong and an equally agonizing sense of pain and suffering. But they're still walking tall, willing to shoulder the weight of the world they live in with the grace and the gifts that God has given them.

I Love crosses-the physical kind that I can nail to the wall...The other ones I can just as easily take or leave...and that's a hint to the big boss upstairs...But the cross I received from my son Zachary, I will carry with dignity and joy as I face my daily challenges-knowing that someone I Love dearly, Loves me enough to hand me a cross of Love-that is sealed with a kiss!


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