I heard in Mass this morning that one in ten people used to be Catholic. That's quite a figure...and something serious to think about.

Why do people lose their religion? Probably for the same reasons they leave their spouses or their jobs or even their exercise program. They get mad, lose interest, and just stop thinking it's important to their salvation.

It's too bad. Because over the years I have learned through the school of hard Knox, as my dad used to say, that the best things in life are the things we really work hard at...the commitments we never let go of and the activities that always renew us even when they seem mundane and boring.

But humans are a funny lot-especially Catholics. We want divine help, but we help ourselves to Catholic lite...We want God to get more involved in our lives, but we barely give him our precious time, one Sunday a week...and when we don't like what the church teaches, we tell ourselves that we're exempt from the teaching. Go figure.

I'm a daily communicant, although it took me more days and years and disappointing decisions to finally get here. But I can honestly say-that these days, my faith has fueled my future with a fire of hope that cannot be extinguished no matter how many challenges I face, or how many roadblocks may appear. That's because I'm doing the work, putting in the time, and following the suggestions that have dated back two thousand years...teachings that have been tested by fire.

So, I said a little prayer at morning Mass for the people out there who have walked away from the Church...because it can be a lonely, empty place...filled with more disappointments than any religious aggravation. I prayed for their inspiration, for their healing and for the wisdom of discerning what their next step should be.

I have learned, that the journey is far from over and it's never too late to find your way--back to your religion and to the renewal of your life.


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