Divorce may be the single most destructive force fueling the demise of a generous and Loving human family. The example, set by adults, is teaching generations of children that self will-wins out-every time.

As I see it, God's specific design for the matrimonial bond which forms the foundation for the procreation of families far into the future-is severely assaulted every single time a man or woman decides to dump their spouse. But for life threatening violence, there is rarely good reason for breaching the intimate bond of trust between a married couple. Selfish shortsightedness sums up all the sad excuses people use to claim their right to exit the vows that keep couples together- through the good times and the bad. Betrayal, rejection and deep seeded pain eat like acid through the hopeful heart, scarring the soul and searing the scorned with a numbing, almost robotic will to live. The emotional wreckage is almost unbearable to behold...especially among the most innocent, the children.

I have been watching and experiencing this plague which is far more pervasive than any modern day medical epidemic...Yet-I have not seen any radical steps taken to treat-much less cure this disease. Maybe-because it is endemic to the entire human race and so somehow-it has become an acceptable aspect of the evolution of our will to "do your own thing." Or maybe, because it is a spiritual sickness and souls simply aren't important to the secular sinners.

Who knows?!...What I do know-is that divorce has created an ugly landscape of emotional pain and set a dangerous precedent for our kids. Every single time I meet a young mom who has been dumped by her husband, the father of her children-because he has gotten bored, or promoted, or too big for his britches...or maybe because he's tired of dealing with the wife and the kids because he's having more fun fooling around with the fringe benefits of an unencumbered person who makes the happy home he came from look more like a trip to Hell...Every time I hear those stories...and look into the brokenhearted faces of beautiful, intelligent and yes-very sexy women--who are always joined at the hip by one or more hurting children...I'm left with a feeling of deep and utter confusion.

How can the guys do it? What screw got replaced by a rusty razor blade that obviously sliced into that part of the brain that breathes true Love and compassion? What happened to the virtues of honesty, integrity and loyalty? How can they live with themselves when they live without the lives they lead to the altar and carried into the world? How can they walk away from their little children and into the arms of flirtatious folly-full well knowing the price their family is being forced to pay? How can they not know that they have scarred their children for life?

Why don't they care?...And why don't we care enough to move the mountain of acceptance that has allowed this terrible disease to cripple our society and steal the sense right out of our sanity?

It baffles me...Someone-somewhere-should do something-really big, really soon- to turn the tide...Because I cannot imagine where we are going or more important...what God is going to do about it.


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