They say honesty is the best policy. They're right. Whoever they are.

He asked me to speak at an AA meeting-I said yes. Usually that means ten minutes of dishing our feelings then letting others chime in. Not today--somehow he had forgotten to tell me the last Saturday morning of the month is the "speaker" meeting...the full hour of sharing the sobering truth about ones recovery.

Didn't think I could talk that long...but-what the hell, I'd give it a try. I made up my mind this morning-- at that moment-- that I would say whatever God inspired me to say--that I would break the silence--silence that only served to keep me submerged in humiliation and shame. I told them I've never shared the intimate details of my recovery, because I had been trying to "protect" the "innocent." But sometimes-while we're protecting others--we're also protecting ourselves -from the embarrassment, the rejection and the personal failures that come with the territory of being human.

Once I decided to let go and let get with the program and honestly share my strength, my hope and my experiences--it was a breeze. The hour flew by--long before the rest of the story--my story-could be told. It felt good going to those dark memories...that now seem like distant felt liberating letting loose of the long standing feelings before a non judgemental audience.

That's the beauty of this program...People-good people-with a debilitating disease--are working hard to get well...joining hands in a spirit filled fellowship to overcome the ravages of an illness that is cunning, baffling and powerful. Together-the most unlikely alliance has been created -forging a bond that is fueled by faith in a power greater than ourselves and kept alive through honest, open communication...and in most cases--through the power of prayer.

It is nothing short of miraculous. It is also anointed. These amazing individuals participate in the most honest exchange of humanity that you will ever face in this lifetime--honesty that will bridge the great divide between life and death--between right and wrong and between one human being and another.

I feel passionate about this program--because it's worked for me...because I've worked it...But I didn't always feel that way--Thank God some things change...and so do some people. Honesty plays a starring role... ...facing the facts...letting go of the fear...and letting the light of truth shine upon us...That's when the real healing begins...and true freedom is found--quite honestly-by accident!


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