We are powerless...over so many things. Except prayer.

Prayer is a power-- beyond the people, places and things that drive us insane. It is the power behind our personal will--when our will is turned over to our higher power.

There isn't much in life that we can actually control--except our own choices. And so often, we make believe that our choices are the best decisions we can make. When in fact-our power to choose is directly influenced by the power and the perseverance of our prayer and our will to surrender everything that we are--to God.

I learned that tonight again in talking with the ones I love. We don't always get what we want, or even what we are convinced we need...and tonight was one of those nights.

Sometimes we expect too much from people...because often, it is much more than they have to give. Sometimes we want them to be better-for us-but they are content to be mediocre-for themselves. And sometimes, we try to control their bad behavior, when bad is the best they want to be. And so it is eye opening and mind boggling to bury the notion that the world is our oyster and ready to gift us with everything and everyone we set our eyes upon. That theory can turn our whole world upside down---just ask Adam and Eve.
The power of prayer provides us with a road map for the path to perfection and the process for a life well lived...accepting our own powerlessness...while understanding the perfect power-of our higher power.

Just think about it...God is the only power that I know of-which keeps on giving-- long after the lights go out.


Anonymous said…
I just happened upon your site today, and I read and read... Thank you for sharing your heart, particularly on the great power of prayer. I heartily agree that prayer is power! Just this past April I was diagnosed with stage 4 breast cancer (it's in my bone marrow,) and since then I have been carried along on a pillow of prayer - mine, my family's and friend's and even those I've met through the blogosphere. The deep power of those prayers cannot be overstated as they have sustained me and brought me joy and peace.

Again, thank you for sharing this message from you heart.


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