It's easier to do it now-than later. Purgatory that is.

My son Jacob-the eleven year old sage-reminded me---you face the facts now...or later...but some time, some way, some how...we all have to come clean.

The family's in counseling and it seems some of us are showing our colors-while others are not.
Fear, insecurity, denial, ego, sickness...a myriad of melodramas make our minds unable to let loose of the old mistakes and blunders.

Jake and I were discussing this-when he very matter of factly stated that those of us who are being honest now...facing our fears and our falls... are actually going through our personal purgatory right here on earth...before we find ourselves on the other side of eternity. He reminded me, no one escapes the life review...or the uneasy feelings...or the mistakes we've matter how hard we try or how hard we try to hide from our past.

It seems one of his teachers, a Christian Brother, had been discussing purgatory in class...and advised the boys to reflect on their lives now--because if not now-then later-before God and God knows who else. Jacob said none of us get any further than purgatory until we come clean...honestly assessing our own inventory...and understanding our human errors.

I just sat and stared...thinking--once again-out of the mouths of babes...straight into the hearts of hurting adults...Isn't that the way it always is...the holy innocents cast a beam of brilliant light all over our bungles and bad attitudes...But letting us know that it's nothing personal...but it is about personal responsibility. One way or another--we'll be seeing the light and the lives we've lead...the laughter and the love stories, the let downs and the lead balloons...One way or another...we'll be held accountable--by our very own conscience. How about that!

I for one one-agree with Jacob...It's a lot easier to do a reality check purge our pitfalls while we're still living and breathing and ready to repent...But some days-the reflection in the mirror is a little too much to take-for now...and later-well that's a comforting thought.


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