The devil made me do it! He probably did. Probably got his horns in you-nudging you ever so subtly -in all the right places, at the right time-right when you couldn't take it anymore---or so you thought.

Doesn't really matter if you buy into the horns and the pitchfork and the pointy tail...doesn't really matter if you believe in the devil...In fact, that's just the way he likes it. He doesn't want you wondering when he'll strike next or if you'll be his next victim or how he's going to get you sucked into his seductive snare. In fact-Satan doesn't want you to know he exists-because-then you'll know better. You'll be culpable for your actions...for choosing right over wrong, good over evil, God over nothing.

You see-the devil likes keeping us in the dark. Letting us believe that we are the masters of our own fate. That God gives us permission to behave badly--because he's always ready to wipe the slate clean. He likes us to believe that we are weak--and wounded--simply because we are human...and so love and loss, headaches and heartaches--pain and suffering are our inheritance...the legacy of life here on earth...our fictional drama of trauma and temptation.

But here's the thing... There's a fine line between truth and error...between right and wrong...between Heaven and Hell. It's that creepy little feeling, that ugly little voice, that painful personal trauma that tugs at us--twisting our thoughts toward dangerous deceit and damaging disillusionment.

That's really how the devil makes you do slipping into your silent fears and follies...your insecurities and inhibitions, your jealousies and jaundiced judgements...jading your view of the world and the people around you.

Simply put-Satan "screws" with your life...before you know what's even happening--like in "The Screwtape Letters." C.S. Lewis so clearly sets the stage for a sinister story of evil and deception, sin and temptation. The satire is set in a series of letters from a senior demon, Screwtape--to his nephew, a junior tempter named Wormwood. Together they try to undermine the faith of an unsuspecting cause havoc and the inevitable slippery slide into sin.

Isn't that how it twist of the arm, one unkind word...and the gloves are off and the sparring begins and before you know it--someone gets hurt, the dominoes fall and the hurting continues...and in the end-when we look back-no knows really knows what happened or why there are so many innocent casualties.

The devil can make you do it-if you let him...So don't--let him. Be on the look out, power up your radar...and set your sights on some old fashioned faith filled prayer and reflection...Because when you do that... half the battle is won before it ever starts...and knowledge combined with prayer is the most powerful arsenal of weaponry in the spiritual battle for your peace on earth...and for your eternal soul in heaven.


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