I love America. I love the freedoms we have-even when we feel confined. I love our openness, our diversity, our love of life in all its forms...I love how we mix and mingle and make the most out of our situations--even when something is going terribly wrong. But mostly, I love our heroism...and our steadfast determination to reach for the stars--to dream the impossible dream...because dreams really do come true--if we simply believe...in the dream, that all men and women are created equally...with equal probabilities and possibilities-- to pull off the miraculous.

I was a child of integration...a product of the public school system in the 70's....when busing and mixing the masses into one poi pourri of human goulash seemed like a good idea---to someone-somewhere. In theory-it would promote understanding, fellowship and the equality that some were being denied. But in reality, it promoted division and disappointment and dumb misunderstanding.

The African American kids were bused across town to my school...while my little sister and her buddies were bused across town to their school...To us-it didn't make sense, didn't add up...didn't make any of us feel warm and fuzzy or ready to face the school day with vim and vigor. Most of the time there were bitter arguments, fist fights and full day suspensions for the sparring students. I was one of them. But that's another story.

Kids, however- are resilient--and we made it through those hazy, crazy school days...And now as I look back...I can't help but wonder-what my counterparts from across town are thinking today...How joyful, euphoric...and downright proud they must be--at the Democratic process...and of their country...for saying yes to the dream...that any man or woman can be elected President of the United States. That in a nation, where prejudice and racism led to human slavery...and the slavery of the soul...that this nation has freed itself from the wicked wounds of wanting to be better than our neighbor...that we have now announced to the world...that freedom truly rings across this great land...because true freedom begins in the heart--of every man, woman and child...and is generously shared with our most precious gift--the vote of our conscience.

I have traveled the world...lived here and there...and everywhere...including abroad--but there is no land like the good ole U.S.A...and I love my country...especially today...for the courage and the conviction...and the heroism-that sets us apart...but also brings us together in a spectacular show of unity and good old fashioned guts and glory!

God Bless America!


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