From Whence You Came

Always-remember from where you came--you may have to go back there someday.
Sometimes-you get sent back-to remember what you've forgotten, or chosen to ignore.
De ja vu can be painful-and poignantly jolting.

I know someone who isn't looking back-far enough. Someone who sees the trees, but not the forest. A person who picks the present but is plotting for the future. The past and the persons who lived there are "dust in the wind" ...

It is important to remember-that our life has a purpose...and the people and the past play a part in the present and in the future. Life is an intricately woven mosaic with a multi colored pattern of pieces that are placed in our path to propel us forward while grounding us in the present.

Politicians are very good at projecting pleasing personalities and very good at pretending to put people before personalities. But sometimes-they forget-their promises. Sometimes they put pretense before people...personal desires before personal duty.

We all know someone like that...someone who turns their back on their best friend, their family, their country or their God. Someone who moves forward with lightening speed because slowing down will cloud the illusion of being specially chosen...of being the way-the truth-the light.

I for one am worn out with that way of thinking...and I'm learning to keep it not sweat the small stuff, or the big guys with the big ideas and the lofty load of opinions that can usually be found floating away in a big hot air balloon.

I'm learning that from whence I where I am all wrapped up in one simple common denominator--It's out of my control...I'm powerless over people, over the past and even-over the present...But it's my responsibility to remember- where I came from and who I came to know-because inevitably someone I've left behind or some place that I've been-- has helped me get to this place where I am now...and even the place I am going to -next-the perfect place planned-by a power greater than my understanding but perfectly suited for my personal needs.


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