While I cook dinner, my two youngest sons do homework at the kitchen table.
As we chatted last night, my ll year old Jacob, told us about a classmate whose mom had died. Without missing a beat, my 10 year old Zachary said, "I couldn't take it if I didn't have my mom."

I looked at him-with surprise..."Really-why?" Dumb question I guess-but the reporter in me always wants to understand the what and the why.

Zachary replied, "Because you Love me and help me and you're always there for me and you never let me down." Wow! I smiled and thanked him for his vote of confidence. And then I shuddered, at the thought, that I had almost died...I came really close to death...because of the disease of alcoholism.

But I am grateful for the way my life has turned out...I am grateful that I am listening and learning from my kids...the truly important lessons of life-the ones I've been trying to teach them-the ones they are apparently learning. The lessons of Love, loyalty and support...To be loyal to yourself, to your loved ones and to your matter how difficult or disappointing life may become... To Love with unconditional Love--because God gives us nothing less. To reach out in good times and bad--because let's face day you're up and the next day you're down...and we never know when we're going to need someone's help.

We witness, by our example...and our example-is our witness to our beliefs. My cherub sons are often reflections of me in the little things they say and do...and their attitudes toward God and life and the people they meet. I can't take credit for everything they think, feel and do...and believe me-I don't want to. But sometimes, when we're chatting and dishing the dirt from the playground of life, I hear myself in their words -and I see me- in their attitudes. And very often, I am warmed by their example, because they witness to the best lessons of life...And as their mom, what more can I ask for?!


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