I attended a women's meeting last night, held at a Jewish Synagogue, Temple Sinai, on St. Charles Avenue. I'd never been to this meeting, but something drew me there...inspired me to drive my car uptown-instead of downtown in the direction I had planned on going.

Before the meeting started, I timidly entered the chapel and I knelt in the silence-with no expectations-just a feeling of wonder and childlike acceptance. As my eyes wandered around the sanctuary, I felt the enormous power of God. It was uncanny, soaking in such unexpected, yet inspiring strength through the silence of my heart.

I don't remember ever being inside a Jewish Temple...but these days my memory is on overload-so who knows for sure. It doesn't really matter-what matters is that I could feel God's presence there...my God, the God that created each and every one of us-the God who designed the Tree of Life.

An abundance of grace carried me upstairs to my meeting along with a giddy awareness that I had received another glimpse of heaven, right here on earth. I understood that within the walls of this Holy place, lay a treasure of soul inspiring faith and knowledge-- and I longed to understand the depth of this wisdom.

I don't know why-but I have always carried a special place in my heart for the Jewish people...I often ponder their painful persecution-the abandonment and betrayal...their unity in the face of extreme odds...and their place in history-as the chosen people. Their rich tradition and their steadfast vigilance to protect their heritage is a tremendous testimony to the power of persevering faith--in themselves-- and in our creator.

In an earlier blog I shared that my five son's great grandfather was Jewish...and a distant grandmother of mine was also Jewish...So maybe that genetic imprint has spoken to me all these years...Who knows...I do know that I feel connected...and I am thankful for that feeling and grateful that I listened to that guiding voice within- that lead me to the Temple for this spiritual encounter of the living, breathing, Loving God.


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