"The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong."
Mahatma Gandhi

It's funny-I don't think mainstream society teaches us that forgiveness is a strength. In fact, we're lead to believe just the opposite. The weak give in--the strong stay the course...even when that course is paved with the land mines of self destruction.

I've come to believe that true forgiveness starts--when we can first-forgive ourselves. When we continue beating ourselves up, over and over again, the self flagellation festers open wounds that seep out into every single relationship we encounter. How can a battered and bruised individual be any good for anybody? They can't. Making peace with numero uno is essential to making peace with others.

But that's a tall order. Most of us-have at one time or another-been embarrassed about our humanity...our sinfulness...our unhealthy choices. Fessing up and facing the wreckage of our past puts alot of pressure on us...We become vulnerable to feelings of imperfection and weakness...We feel unworthy or useless. And we don't want to be judged, much less judge ourselves.

I look at it this way--after a lot of self evaluation...and too much self flagellation. We can either grow up or just grow old. Sometimes we get it right, sometimes we don't. There's always a new day and a new way. Let go of the past, carry away the lesson learned and give yourself a pat on the back for summoning the courage to face your follies. If we were perfect, we wouldn't be here...we'd be in heaven. We need to take responsibility for ourselves--resolve to "sin" no more and move on.

It's the fear that keeps us imprisoned in unforgiveness...and the unresolved resentments. Write down your feelings-repeatedly if you have to--churn them out...let them go and let the grace of God guide you to the freedom that follows forgiveness and the empowering strength that comes from knowing that you have released yourself....or another human being from the bondage of unforgiveness.

I guarantee-if you learn to forgive yourself and others-a river of blessings will flow into your life...and the feeling of relief--will revitalize your entire being!


Anonymous said…
I was just having a conversation about this Monday night, and saying it was only when I was able to ask for and accept forgive for my own brokenness, that I found it easier to understand that those who hurt me are broken too and that I should forgive them because I've been forgiven.

It still takes a few deep breaths first, long enough for a prayer for help, but exhaling brings such freedom.

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