Hollow Bullets!

I sat in front of a firing squad this week, but the bullets they fired were hollow. And as my insightful son Jacob declared, I was wearing a bullet proof vest...the armor of God.

As I sat there-fielding a bizarre barrage of ill conceived and banal questions-I felt sad...for the would be executioners. Covering up their mess is more important to them, than mending their broken promises.

It is the stuff of wars...emotional, verbal and physical assaults-launched by the spiritually wounded. Sad stuff...that gets more insidious with every round that is fired. Prayer-is the best weapon of defense. The antagonist doesn't see it coming...but somehow they know something is circulating...something powerful and bold...and beyond any one's control.

I don't like war, but I do believe in defending what is right...because sometimes your life-and the lives of others-like my five children- depend on it. My father, the Air Force soldier, who dedicated his life to serving this country-taught me that compromise comes with the territory-because too much pride-will destroy you. I try to remember that-when the accusations are flying and the egos are flaring.

It is a delicate dance, this dance of life. But with each waltz, or twist or toe stomping move--we learn just how gifted we are-and how easy it is to stay- two steps- ahead of our sparring partners. The angry words of wrath may bruise and sting, but the damage disappears -when our intentions are pure...and positively driven-by our higher power.

And remember-if all else fails...the playground lessons of life can be summed up in one silly- yet simple childhood serenade-"Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me!"


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