My friend George Ackel died suddenly yesterday. Complications following a medical procedure took his life, leaving everyone stunned.

George was a larger than life kind of guy. A big, burly bear of a man...loud and opinionated, he growled at the slightest provocation, intimidating most people, inadvertently scaring others. But behind that tough, gruff exterior rested a gentle teddy bear, with a big heart and deeply rooted loyalties.

George called me several days ago, asking for prayers as he shared the shocking news. One doctor told him he may have throat cancer, while another diagnosed a blockage of the heart. Within a few days, a second opinion made him believe he didn't have cancer, but he wouldn't know for sure until he underwent an exploratory procedure. We talked often, as he rode the emotional roller coaster that left him more stressed than ever. Yet-somehow, he remained stoic and strong and hopefully optimistic.

I got the phone call about George's passing-as I drove out of town to a meeting tied to Medjugorje. The timing struck me, because 20 years before while I was also out of town, giving a talk on Medjugorje, I received a phone call telling me George's dad had dropped dead of a heart attack. Yesterday's phone call felt like deja vu.

Life is today, over tomorrow...gone without warning. Loved ones cross over to the world beyond-before we are ready...and too often, long before we expect them to.

So get in touch and stay in touch, say you're sorry, show your gratitude...and thank your lucky stars that your Loved ones have made it through another day.

Those of us who knew and Loved George will miss his energy and the indelible imprint of his life which kept everyone talking. That robust soul-who I am confident, is stirring things up on the other side of eternity and causing the powers that be to wonder, "What was the sudden rush?!"


JenAckel said…
I really enjoyed reading this! I have recently began to look into my family history and George was a 2nd cousin of mine. Your memoir of him was informative and touching. Thank you and God bless.

Jennifer Ackel

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