I called my kids in for dinner tonite..."Hurry-I poured the milk ...the cereal is going to get soggy!" They bounded through the door...and screeched-"Sushi!" "You're the best mom!" Big know the drill...when they're thrilled...But can you imagine - over raw fish?!

They were whispering to each other about their dinner desires... before we left the house this morning..."She'll never go for it." I heard them agree. They know we're on a budget...and besides...when did Sushi become the meal du jour?! On the take out menu no less?!

When I was a kid-(here I go sounding like my dad) a McDonald's hamburger made me feel like Christmas had arrived early. As military brats we moved a lot -and that's really the only time I really remember getting take out dinner. What has happened to America? I guess I should ask- what has happened to American parents-like me? I used to over indulge...often...but those days are long gone...and long forgotten...Besides-my kids prefer home cooked meals...and I like to please their palates with something tasty from my long repertoire of exceptional dishes....

I have them fooled...into thinking I can really cook...It's been going on for years...I do fine-tasty even--but-real cooking is an art...that takes more time and talent than opening a can and tossing in some seasonings.

For a long time I let them Italian meatballs were the result of hours of loving labor...'til one day when my middle child found the evidence in the freezer...Funny-as I recall, it didn't seem to matter to him or anyone else. In the end, all they care about is if the food tastes good... and it usually does...And as they get older, it doesn't matter if there's green stuff in it...or onions...or if the bread is white or wheat. Their palates and their preferences include an array of options and openness...that surprises even me...

It may sound fishy...and corny...but food is still one of the fastest ways to a young man's heart...But who would have ever guessed...that one day...just bringing home raw fish...atop sticky rice...would send my kids into food heaven...and make me the best mom ever! It's certainly food for thought!


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