Evil Attack Ads

Evil is all around us. I hate to say it, but it's true. Be aware, be on guard and be relentless in your pursuit of good. Some people don't like to talk about the dark side...or to give it much thought...and that's fine. But never, ever forget it is there...lurking around every corner...waiting until we slip or slumber or slide down the slippery slope of denial..straight into the arms of evil.

Some political slam ads came in the mail today. The two candidates have launched an assault attack that is deadly. The war of words are sending out an evil energy that rivals any arsenal of weapons. You see-our words leave deep, painful wounds...which are often- much more damaging than physical attacks. And when those words come in the mail...countless innocent lives are affected.

It began with one mean and twisted attack ad...then the retaliation...fiercely damaging...and then today...they blasted each other and the voters with anger driven accusations that have left me feeling confused and sad and betrayed...by a system of freedom and justice for all...that accepts and tolerates venomous vipers-in the name of politics.

I know the commanders in chief, behind the scenes...the ones earning the big bucks are pouring the kerosene on the blazing infernos...the P.R. guys and gals who fuel the campaigns with ugly stories of graft and corruption...sex, lies and videotapes...character assassinations and other "sinful" behavior.

It is so easy to get caught up in the evil snare...I speak from experience. And it never, ever leads to good. Never. Lives are leveled, hopes are destroyed and long after the election, the walking wounded wander aimlessly through life- marred by the mass destruction of their once honorable lives.

Just know that with power comes a tremendous responsibility...to run to God-as swiftly as your feet and your heart can carry you...to the security and safety and inspiration of the only power that will keep you safe and honest and good...God. Hold fast to the grace of God...and you will be given protection, direction and the miraculous benefits of a new life of power-firmly planted in God and securely invested in your soul.


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