Cry Babies!

The floodgates opened as soon as I opened my mouth. I couldn't speak, I couldn't talk, I could only cry. Then the lady next to me started crying, then the next woman and the next until a cry fest started. Every bit of bottled up and buried emotions boiled over into the room and we all had a good cry of relief.

It seems we walk around carrying a heavy burden of pain and disappointment--like superwomen flying through our daily chores and tasks and jobs thinking ourselves out of feelings. But they get the best of us- eventually, because like I always say what goes in must come out--and when it rains it pours.

I used to be afraid of crying in public, or in front of anyone for that matter...I felt embarrassed and silly and stupid. I don't know why-but I guess I never learned that crying is a natural release of emotions-good or bad feelings...and it's in fact unnatural to hold them in...because that leads to some really unhealthy responses like resentment and anger and stress induced illnesses.
Cry babies aren't just little cherub looking doll faced children...or young toddlers throwing tantrums...they're real life adults who desperately need to release some painful energy and emotions before they explode...kind of like over heating car radiators. So baby-if you need to cry-go right ahead!

I don't know about the other ladies tonight, but when the meeting ended- I felt drained, but relaxed and serene and grateful that I let it all pour out...and pleasantly happy that I can finally cry without feeling weak.

Women cry five times more often than men...thousands of songs are written about crying...and most memorable movies stimulate the river of emotions to overflow.

So the next time you want to let it all hang out...have a good cry...sob your worries away and watch how good you'll feel...even if you're crying over spilled milk!


Anonymous said…
There's nothing like a good cry to release pent up frustration, anger, pain, sorrow, even joy. If I didn't cry as often as I do, I'd probably be dead by now (or someone would). The frequency of my tears may be difficult for my husband to live with, but I've explained enough that he reacts in much calmer manner than when we first married. Now he sort of cocks his head like a puppy trying to fathom a strange sound, and, depending on the context, says things like "Oh you are so frustrated," or "Are you happy?"

When my husband just doesn't get it, I tell him not to worry, I'll let him know when my tears really mean something that requires a serious response.

What would we do without tears? What a marvelous evidence of God. Oh, what a relief they are.

Diane L. Harris

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