Peaceful Zone

All Hell just broke out in my house. One kid tumbled on the stairs the other ran after him while the third one tried to referee the melee . My 14 year old lost his phone and the other two were moved to opposite zones...separated by their mom who lost her cool in all the commotion. I am working really hard to stay calm, cool and the beautiful easy, breezy Fall day outside...It's a the after hours study hall...the natives are restless from the long hours at school and the exhausting sports practices.

I tried not to blame any one child...the two youngest rug rats confessed last week that their older brother was taking the heat for things he didn't do--just because they cried the loudest...I guess their honesty is surprising ....but I wish they'd all surprise me with an hour or two of silence every night. That would be every mom's dream...quiet, docile children earnestly pouring over their homework with the same dedication and resolve that they expend on video games or brotherly aggravations. Dream a little dream for me!

But as I type this, it is eerily quiet...the calm after the storm...the precious moments when I get to hear my own thoughts without the combustible energy of male testosterone.

My sons are really good kids...who have shouldered a lot of disappointments at an early age...and I am proud of how well they are doing...Diffusing their pent up emotions is my goal-my prayer and my hope for their mental health...and my own.

During times like these--I've learned to pray often--which really means beg for help..God has a way of easing my fears and fueling peaceful feelings of love-while removing the inner turmoil that the outer world whirls in front of me. Thank God-literally-for small favors...and for the faith and the belief in a heavenly power that can move mountains...and move me and my children into a peaceful zone that the world can neither give nor take away.

Miracle of miracles--it's still quiet-so I am going to sneak away --for a few serene moments all by my lonesome!


Anonymous said…
God gives hope and serenity every time we pray. it puzzles me though why others cannot experience his presence...
God truly is an imminent part of your life with five sons. You're an inspiration!! I enjoy your writing. I will be back!

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