If I cross over to the other side next Wednesday least I'll have healthy gums. My dynamo friend and renowned Periodontist is seeing to that. Dr. Kristi Soileau is the best in her field. Plain and simple. Gifted brain, beautiful heart. In fact, she's wonderfully anal...overly careful and thoroughly thorough. So thorough she caught me off guard today. After checking my newly cleaned teeth she said, "There's some recession on the lower gums, so how about doing the procedure Wednesday?" Um okay.

If it were left up to me, it would be the second Wednesday of next week. Shortly after my teeth would begin falling out and only if there was no other option. Can you believe it-not even your gums are recession proof?!

So here's the choice...grafting tissue from the roof of my mouth or donor rebuild my gums. Which sounds better to you?! Of course I'm choosing the most painful-my own tissue... I figure-at least I know what's in there...even though it's not much to brag about.

Her wonderful assistants tried to soften the blow... explained the antibiotics I'd need to take ...and the optional Xanax they'd prescribe to calm me...for the cutting of course. As much as I'd like instant nirvana to precede the procedure...I told them nope-can't do it...No nerve pills for me. Boy were they impressed...until I told them My friend Bill W. doesn't approve...and quite frankly-neither do I. Besides I really don't think I need it...being high on life and all that.

At least not until I spoke to another friend.
I was feeling pretty optimistic, until lovely Sophia cringed telling me how much it hurt...both times she underwent the cutting and the grafting. Thank you so much I told her -for blowing the lid off my fantasy. "Is it worse than child birth," I asked. "Absolutely not," she replied. What a nutty question...I was grabbing at straws.

A little Zen meditation...a little chamomile tea...a few heavenly petitions...How bad could it be?
I'll find out!


ela said…
Its not so bad, just make sure she gives she gives you enough pain shots in the roof of your mouth while she's doing the procedure. I had it done and I couldn't feel the cutting. Don't worry, its not as bad as having all your teeth fall out. :0)

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