I listened to a man last night, who had been healed of his loneliness.
I listened to a priest today, who offered the ultimate healing.
And I marveled at the synchronicity of their stories.

The gentleman had escaped his loneliness, escaped his feelings inside a bottle.
He spent years drowning in the false hope that seduced him into a submissive serenity, every time he poured himself a drink. Eventually, his serenity turned to shame and regret, at all the wasted hours wallowing in the self destruction that pours forth from our open wounds.

The priest talked about the division of spirit that leaves us broken, hurting, wounded and wasting away. The emptiness that comes from not knowing who we are, because we do not fully understand who God is...or the master plan that has been written for our lives.

14 years sober, the gentleman began healing inside the womb of the warm embrace of maternal Love that is freely given every time a meeting is held. As a man he surrendered to the encouragement and the acceptance, letting go of the walls of steel that kept his internal fortress safe from the outside world, while looking skyward for the healing spirit that had touched so many of his friend's lives. Some would say, he got in touch with his feminine side, learning to cry, to talk about his feelings and to honestly care about the needs of others.

The priest talked about the divine healer, the spirit of God that makes us whole when we are feeling broken. A supernatural power revealed through the maternal and the paternal face of God...Manifested, for our benefit, through two human beings...through Jesus and Mary...a man and a woman. He said by their example, God shows us the true integration of the divine spirit in our integration that always leads to healing and to wholeness.

But both the gentleman and the priest, affirmed that integrating our lives and our Love with another human being, reaching out to others by giving of ourselves.....that is what makes the final difference...that is the deciding moment...when faith in a higher power becomes real and transparent and truly empowering...That is when the healing -holds out hope-for another hurting soul...struggling to hang on...hoping to be healed.

And so as I thought about their words...I thought that none of our stories are that different...So much of our journey is the same....The names and the places, the details and the DNA don't always match...But the divine connection--the soul stirring solution...the integration of inspiration...mirrored in the synchronicity of events...these are living examples of the face of God-in all of our lives...every single step of the way-every single day.


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