It's funny how we forget things. I guess our overloaded brains naturally dispense some memories to the far corners of the mind, until we need to recall them. Those memories pop up at the oddest times.

As I typed my book today, it suddenly dawned on me, that I'd forgotten about the Sally Jesse Raphael Show. Two decades ago she hosted a popular, syndicated talk show much like Oprah. One day Sally and her husband were at the New Orleans television studio where I worked...and I immediately sought them out and launched into a passionate conversation about the Miracles in Medjugorje. My co worker, Jim Bailey, and I urged her to tape a show with some of the people who were miraculously converted there. She stunned me by asking us to be on the show. I told her, "No, no not us-you need to get some of the pilgrims." But she knew a good story when she heard it and she talked us into traveling to Chicago to tape a live national show with another convert, a newspaper man, Wayne Weible.

At the time, I was so fired up, that I just babbled on about the miracles and the mysterious visions and the messages that were meant for the whole world. The story soared into the homes of viewers all across America, inspiring countless people to investigate the modern day phenomena for themselves.

As I thought about it today. I thought, "That was pretty cool...being on national TV, talking about God." And I marveled at why I hadn't thought about it in so many years. I knew then, as I do now, that my appearance on this show-wasn't about me, but about the transformation that took place within me and others like me, in this unlikely village half way around the world.

Back in New Orleans a woman stopped me on the street and said, "Thank God you were so gave our city a good image." That made me feel good. And when I think about it, those are the kinds of memories worth storing for future reference or future publications, like my book...which is gaining momentum daily.

That reminds me- my ten year old son Zachary informed me, that if I didn't spend so much time writing my blog, I might be finished with my book. Hm mm-I'll have to store that thought in the memory archives.


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