Mary Jo in Iraq

My friend is in Iraq, in the middle of nowhere, sleeping on a cot inside a tent.
She gets two hot meals a day and none on Sunday. Go figure. Serving our nation, saving lives -seems to me like she's earned three square meals a day. But, in time of war, nothing makes sense.

Mary Jo is a doctor in the good ole U.S. Army. An oncologist who, as I understand it, is one of the best in her field. Getting to know her, I do know that she is one of the best human beings you will ever meet.

When I read her e-mail today it brought back memories of my military upbringing and my own Army brother who has selflessly served our nation for the past 25 years. I'm proud to be called a military brat, proud of my brother and proud to know my friend.

A part of me wants to be with Mary Jo-where the action is-where most people never want to go. To be making a difference in one of those God forsaken time zones where every day life doesn't always make sense. I understand her sacrifice and the sacrifice of others like her...and I know how alone they feel, when the world they are protecting -doesn't understand.

Soldiers are special in my eyes...sent out into that vast uncharted territory we call mother save lives and sometimes, to save souls. Sometimes it's our presence that wins the war...simply letting someone know, that they are worth fighting for...and letting the enemy know, that we will fight-for what is right-because that's what good people do.

And really smart people...the one's inspired by a power greater than any arsenal of weapons--they know that the power of prayer is the only weapon that can target the enemy with a supernatural strength unmatched by any army-- anywhere in the world. It's the only power that really gets the job done-right.

And so that's my gift to Mary Jo and the other soldiers who are risking their lives for us. They're high atop my family's prayer list...the one we send straight to the heavens for immediate attention--because in time of war-we take nothing for granted...and because Mary Jo and the others need the really big protect them.

And tomorrow-I'll go shopping for -an arsenal of fuel-that can be mixed with water, food like boxed red beans and rice and jambalaya send to Mary Jo, so she can heat up a meal on Sunday-the day of rest, when the rest of us are safely tucked away in our homes-feasting on fast food or whatever else meets our fancy--in the land of the free, home of the brave.


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