So many of you are “Finding Dory” on the movie screen. I found Dori in 1986 high atop a mountain in Medjugorje Bosnia Herzegovina.

“This is a holy place, not a Catholic place, a holy place.” Dori’s words of wisdom captured my heart as I interviewed her for a television documentary on the reported apparitions of the Blessed Mother to six young visionaries.

"...a holy place." This profoundly simple proclamation of heaven’s earthly anointing spoke to my soul-and I immediately felt drawn to Dori! Who knew that this groundbreaking news assignment would lay the groundwork for a deeply spiritual connection with Dori that has spanned nearly 31 years.

What touched me back then and continues to inspire me to this day is Dori’s natural willingness to look at life through an unfiltered lense of universal love; her deeply pragmatic yet prophetic view of the gifts that God has given her; and her willingness to carry her crosses and imperfections with quiet dignity.
Dori’s stepson became her own as she cradled him for years with a mother’s love until the day he lost his battle to M.S. Dori poured every ounce of her strength and devotion into the love of her life, Lou, until the Lord called him home a year and a half ago.

Like Dory in the movie my Dori has understood the core value of life as she consistently and persistently searches out her family and friends to gather them home with joyful gratitude and heartfelt appreciation.

Today Dori turns 86 and I marvel at God’s goodness, gifting me with a friend who is not only loyal and giving, but overflowing with a contagious spirit of adventure and an overarching desire to unite individuals from all walks of life.

The best part is that I can actually keep up with her! Seriously-I’m not joking! If we were the same age she would have left me in the dust a long time ago!

So thank you Dori for the uending laughter, for teaching me by your example how to climb over the walls of separation that conquer and divide others, and for the hope that you have given me through your unquenchable thirst for life! You are an inspiration and a gift that I am praying will keep on giving for many many years to come!

Happy Blessed Birthday my friend!


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