I admire my 29 year old son Johnny.(He's in the blue shirt) He is not jumping ship, running for the hills or taking the easy way out. He is staying in Liberia, standing on faith and stepping up to the commitment he made to care for the orphans entrusted to his care. Johnny and I spoke by telephone for over an hour this week about life under the threat of the Ebola Virus.

“We are taking precautions,” my son assured me. “The fruit bat carries the virus, so fresh fruit is off limits”… “We can’t go to the open air market and shop for food, and we aren’t supposed to shake hands with people.” Shaking hands is apparently a very important custom.

Johnny told me the virus, which is not airborne, is carried by fruit bats which some locals eat. A man apparently ate a contaminated bat that had not been thoroughly cooked and because he came in physical contact with people before his death, the virus spread. If the bat had been cooked all the way the virus would have died along with it.

“I know the news is scaring people,” he said. “And for sure we have to be careful…because a lady from a nearby village, who had been hospitalized with Ebola left the hospital in a cab and returned to her village.” “People here are superstitious about medical care and the government.” “They believe in getting prayed over.” “So now the government is posting fliers everywhere, warning people about Ebola.”

“Are you scared?” I asked. “No,” he replied. “But I got sick again with malaria and it was really bad and lasted a lot longer than the first time I got malaria.” I took a deep breath and listened as I felt my son’s pain.

Johnny is amazing no doubt. He is part of a family of missionaries at an orphanage started by a Catholic nun, Mother Elvira who also founded Comunita Cenacolo. Since 1981, the community has resurrected the lives of countless drug addicts around the world, including my oldest son. Now he is giving back by raising and renewing a family of 20 children and babies who have no one else to care for them.

The kids and the missionaries are family, and as a mom of five sons, I can understand why Johnny is refusing to abandon his family and his responsibilities.

Five years ago I gave my son to God in trust…When worry creeps in, I know I am taking back the power and the control. So I pray-often…at daily Mass, during adoration…I surrender in trust to my awesome God who so beautifully carried my son out of the darkness of addiction and into the light of his sacrificial LOVE! Johnny is a miracle child and there is nothing that will ever diffuse the power of his anointed life!

Our local TV station WWL TV reported on Johnny and the Ebola Virus outbreak. The link is below…you can click it or paste it into your internet search bar. My friend, Meg Farris is the reporter. Please pray for Johnny and the rest of his missionary family.


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