P.S. "Don't worry that I got malaria. I'm fine!!!"
Resilient and strong my son Johnny never ceases to amaze me!

I was so excited to sit down and read my very first letter from him since he left for Liberia several months ago. Though I'd already heard through the grapevine of "Comunita Cenacolo" that he'd survived malaria, I was expecting him to share the uncomfortable details. Nothing! He completely side stepped the obvious and moved straight into explaining the missionary work that is now his life for the next two years.

Johnny is helping other community members run an orphanage that is home to 18 kids. Nine babies, 4 girls and 5 boys. And guess what?! God absolutely has a sense of humor because Johnny-who is the oldest of my 5 sons, is staying with and caring for the 5 boys!

As I read the letter I had to laugh...Johnny wrote, "For the normal reasons, I lose my patience often with them; but you learn to say sorry, and then you move on." He said, "The most important moments are educating them about what's right and wrong. It's all very difficult, but rewarding."

How brilliant is that?! Taking care of five boys, helping with their spiritual formation, teaching them life lessons and showing them that love really does have wings that span the world. Through community, the orphans are learning that God's love is so big that he resurrected the lives of these young recovering addicts, purged their attachments, illuminated their hearts, and then flew them all the way across the world so they could put the virtue of gratitude into concrete action by loving these children back to health!

My son died to himself with his yes-and rose to heights that I never imagined he would reach. I know the daily struggles are not easy and the challenges are probably greater than I can even imagine...But I know one thing...The heavens are singing with joy and a cascading river of grace is pouring into this little community bringing healing waters of everlasting, soul transforming, God centered eternal LOVE!


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