My middle child is very sick and it's a real heart breaker.
There is nothing worse-than to watch a child you Love-suffer-often silently-and too often bravely.

Illnesses sometimes creep up on us...slowly, silently-slipping in-then very quickly ravaging our defenses while nearly destroying our will to survive.

Who could have guessed that soulful Ben would ever be fighting for his life? The model child...a steady, calming disposition and even handed attitude--the old soul-even as a young toddler. Like every middle child-Ben is the peacemaker...absorbing the blows of growing up surrounded by four brothers...but always seeming like the wisest one of all. Straight A's, athletic and popular...the picture of "perfection." But as we all know, even pictures have their imperfections.

He poured out his heart to me one evening-moving through the emotions...anger and pain, fear and blame...He wonders how this happened to him...what he did to bring this on...how he will ever overcome this disease.

As I listened to his words-I was reminded of a time when I was sick, and feeling scared and alone...and broken. I remember hanging on-barely--to the hope that my God-would turn things around...and that was enough to get me through the feelings and the fears and the days of difficult decisions.

As we talked I told Ben, that together- we will beat this thing...slowly, but surely...we will win--even though too often, diseases get worse before they get better. And I reminded him to cling to God...to pray fervently for strength and inspiration...and to surrender his recovery to God's infinite mercy.

But mostly, I wanted him to know that diseases don't discriminate-We are not being punished or penalized--we are simply very, very human...and in this life-humans have many hurdles to jump and mountains to climb.

I Love this child. I fought to keep him alive just weeks into my pregnancy. Bleeding like a stuffed pig-no one thought he would stay put--but a little bed rest and two stubborn wills...and nine months later-a beautiful, chubby baby boy is born.

Stubborn Ben, as we lovingly call him, isn't about to give up now--not if I have anything to say about it...or his father...or his four brothers...or the multitudes of family members and experts who believe in him...And so I'm surrendering my confidence to a power greater than all of us...Because I believe fervently that God is listening, that miracles really do happen...and that our boy Ben will be one of them!


Diane L. Harris said…
Dear Mary Lou,

You don't just believe in miracles, you KNOW miracles.

In the name of Jesus, I expect Ben's miracle with you.

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