Many moons ago a desperate doctor stumbled upon the solution to treating the disease of alcoholism...after working with another doctor who happened to be the patient from hell. In fact, it had to be an act of God that inspired the good doctor with the wisdom to wade through the cesspool of addiction until he came to the miracle solution that saved lives and sent souls soaring to serenity. I can't imagine the euphoria the early pioneers felt, when one person at a time--put down the pints and the pills and picked up the chips that celebrate the recovery process one day at a time. It must have seemed nothing short of-miraculous.

The success of the 12 step program is powerful proof that the power of the person is pristine perfection-when the real power-their higher power-is put into place. It is also the only universal program I know of-that predisposes a person to becoming the best version of themselves-even when they've become the exact opposite.

Ironically-there are no gimmicks or get well schemes-no pills to pop or shrinks to show them the road to recovery. It is as simple a solution as they come, cultivated by caring individuals who have been there and done that and found there is absolutely a solution they can not only live with...but live to talk about for a lifetime-that is lovely, lighthearted and loads of fun.

I marvel at the mystical quality to the solution that so many desperate individuals have seized and embraced and I am warmed that the God of my understanding so carefully crafted a remedy that requires a psychic change so powerful, that people everywhere are transformed into genuinely happy, healthy and healing individuals...People who have come to know God-internally--in a very personal and
powerful way.

I am also deeply grateful for the doctor's opinion. It is positive proof of the peace that flows from the synergy of success, when God and man stand side by side in a permanent bond of truth!


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