Volcanoes are not rocket science!
I made one today-with my 10 year old son.
In between studying for exams and running kids to basketball practice or games or washing clothes-I made a volcano. So much for the day of rest.

I've made so many volcanoes-I think I'm actually getting the hang of them. Zachary wanted to know why we weren't using the play dough and the chicken wire and all the other things his brother used on his volcano last year. Without missing a beat I answered, "Because I got smarter-that's why. I learned something-Keep it simple!" I added, "It will probably turn out better."--and I think it did!

Isn't that what school is all about-learning a lesson for the next go round-expanding our horizons and our understanding. Well-I don't know about the kids--but I learned a valuable lesson. Making volcanoes doesn't have to be that complicated or that expensive. Most of the stuff we need is right in front of our faces. The only thing I sprang for was the can of black spray paint-Four dollars made the project!

I've learned it's important to take inventory, to learn from our past experiences and to invest in the one item that will make your effort soar to success. It works with all things in life--because too often-we splurge on the big items that we think we need--because we can't see -that we already have-what we really need.

But-I guess it takes time and practice and lots of labors of Love to get to that timeless wisdom...
We're always in such a rush to get things done-to move from one project to the next...that we lose the moment...the point of the now...because we think we we've already been there and done that...When in fact-every experience -even the repeat performances -are opportunities to learn something new, to renew our vision, to cultivate our understanding and to see the world differently- through the eyes of a child, with all their wonder and awe and excitement of being young-at heart.

Last year my son (and I) scored an A+ on the volcano project...we'll see if his brother (and I) do as well this year...We'll see if cutting corners, using recycled materials and waiting until the last minute earns-the A+ he (I) want(s)...We'll see if this volcano-which looks different, feels different and came together a lot faster-makes the grade-while at the same time, proving that shaking things up a bit...trying something new-with something old...is just the right formula for success.

It appears this will be my last year of making volcanoes--my fifth year as I recall...
But I think I (and my son-son's) may have them down to a science---with the rocks and the lava and the plumes of ashy smoke- billowing out of the volcano's center...My fingers are crossed-
So say a prayer--for the grand finale...and the final grade!


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