I sat in the last row at morning mass...
not feeling too well...But then -watching in silent wonder as the singing souls stood in unison...collectively rising to the occasion...praising and worshiping a God they could not see...but whom they deeply believed in.

If you think about it--and really see-through the eyes of faith...watching the faithful in church is an amazing spiritual exercise...It is the essence of everything we are lead to believe about community and equality and unity. It is the one place that people put down their humanity and pick up their divinity--without all the baggage and worry of judgement or jaundiced attitudes. It is the one place where the soul within, the driving spiritual force that finds it's way into-even a fools physical fortress--the one place- where we get an authentic glimpse of our spiritual brothers and sisters.

Standing side by side, singing songs of soulful Love-or being silent and still and slowing down just long enough to catch up with the one who has been calling and caressing and cultivating them-They gave witness to the purity and innocence and tranquility of our timeless traditions...and they emphatically embraced the energy of a pulsating power that inspires and renews, uplifts and rewards.

As my eyes wandered from person to person...I saw the physical manifestation of the Holy Spirit in action...and I felt embraced by the peaceful aura of those who came together---to become one with their maker. I felt privileged to be among them...those individuals who believe in visiting with God on a Monday morning at 8a.m....who believe enough in their God to show up-and show how much they care...I felt blessed to be among sit with them and to see them...on bended knee, bowing their heads, seeking a blessing and receiving their Savior...

It touched me-seeing the simplicity of their faith..and the power of their personal witness..It is a vision I have seen countless times over the years--but somehow -today I saw things differently...clearly...consciously--and the vision left a beautiful imprint on my memory...and a feeling of gratitude deeply embedded in my heart.

I will be there tomorrow-God willing-watching and waiting for the inspiration that comes when one or more are gathered in his name...and like today, I will leave, lifted and Loved and lead by the spirit and the grace of God's anointing will. Because when we take the time -to spend some time- together in prayer--the budding blessings of companionship and friendship-follow us outside...into the hustle and bustle of our lives-- breaking down the barriers, while building beautiful bridges of peace and understanding--hope and glorious goodwill!


Anonymous said…
Singing to God is, to me, the best form of worship. When done together, as in a choir, it surely spreads the joy to everyone. It touched your soul, and I am sure that of others, to help you through the day to day living. That is one of the reasons it is so important to go to church and worship together. In doing so we are not only worshiping but helping others to face life. God Bless and Merry Christmas.

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