Everyone has a conscience and when we violate the pre programmed code...our inner peace is compromised. It's that simple. Nothing seems to go right because nothing inside feels right.
We are wired for serenity--the deep soul inspiring serenity that says we are simply spectacular and nothing can get in our way.
It's critical that we get that...that we stay in tune with our inner workings, so that our wires don't get crossed...and so that we don't short circuit the heavenly handiwork that has been uniquely designed for us.
In fact it doesn't matter if you believe in God -there is an internal knowing, an internal urging that tells you something you've done, or something you're engaged in-- is fundamentally wrong... is out of whack with what you were set up to be, with how you were wried to behave.
I speak from experience...unfortunately-lots and lots of experiences...but looking back...I can clearly see the imprint of doubt and worry and fear that urged me to understand that my code of conduct fell short of the expectations of my pre wired conscience. Nothing short of admitting my failings or stopping my slippery slide--could clear my mind and my cluttered head. The only cure was the cold, calculating truth...that I had willingly ignored that gentle, inaudible feeling, that silent voice within--that prods us to see the light...to feel the truth ...to say yes to the roadmap within.
A woman tonite said she failed her conscience...and it didn't feel good. Sober two years-she drank, against her good judgement...because she was mad...The Hurricane was coming...she was going---to evacuate again...against her will...and that was enough to say--down the hatches! She immediately knew she had gone against the grain...of good judgement...common sense and yes-she had gone against her conscience. It took a week--but she set things straight...steered herself back on course...and set herself up for success by listening to the gentle voice within...that guides us through the storms of life...so that we do not drown out ---the glow of reason that really makes our lives serene.
You see-our serenity is induced by a clear conscience...and our conscience can be cleared up rather easily, by just saying no---to the voice of distraction that tries to derail our clarity and clutter our conscience. Everyone of us is pre programmed...and pre destined--for peaceful clarity. A friend of mine says it best, "The softest pillow you will ever lay your head upon, is a clear conscience."
We are wired for serenity--the deep soul inspiring serenity that says we are simply spectacular and nothing can get in our way.
It's critical that we get that...that we stay in tune with our inner workings, so that our wires don't get crossed...and so that we don't short circuit the heavenly handiwork that has been uniquely designed for us.
In fact it doesn't matter if you believe in God -there is an internal knowing, an internal urging that tells you something you've done, or something you're engaged in-- is fundamentally wrong... is out of whack with what you were set up to be, with how you were wried to behave.
I speak from experience...unfortunately-lots and lots of experiences...but looking back...I can clearly see the imprint of doubt and worry and fear that urged me to understand that my code of conduct fell short of the expectations of my pre wired conscience. Nothing short of admitting my failings or stopping my slippery slide--could clear my mind and my cluttered head. The only cure was the cold, calculating truth...that I had willingly ignored that gentle, inaudible feeling, that silent voice within--that prods us to see the light...to feel the truth ...to say yes to the roadmap within.
A woman tonite said she failed her conscience...and it didn't feel good. Sober two years-she drank, against her good judgement...because she was mad...The Hurricane was coming...she was going---to evacuate again...against her will...and that was enough to say--down the hatches! She immediately knew she had gone against the grain...of good judgement...common sense and yes-she had gone against her conscience. It took a week--but she set things straight...steered herself back on course...and set herself up for success by listening to the gentle voice within...that guides us through the storms of life...so that we do not drown out ---the glow of reason that really makes our lives serene.
You see-our serenity is induced by a clear conscience...and our conscience can be cleared up rather easily, by just saying no---to the voice of distraction that tries to derail our clarity and clutter our conscience. Everyone of us is pre programmed...and pre destined--for peaceful clarity. A friend of mine says it best, "The softest pillow you will ever lay your head upon, is a clear conscience."
Unfortunately there are people out there who are not wired in the same way and do not have consciences. I had a belief that essentially everyone had good in them, had a conscience and, although made mistakes essentially knew the difference between right or wrong. Its not the case. I met a psychopath who looked like Mr Successful and was highly funtioning. My whole family thought he was a decent man of integrity. I learnt the hard way. The reason why I stayed with him for as long as I did was because I thought eventually he would see what he was doing and his conscience would get to him. Well it got dramatically worse. I wish I had realised that not everyone has a conscience. Many people today have Narcissistic Personality Disorder or sociopathic tendencies. In fact we are breeding more and more children who are either overindulged or abused which often results in these disorders. These people feel no guilt whatsoever and have no idea the damage they cause and nor do they care. It's very sad and I wish the public knew more this problem. While I could not write my personal experience here for fear someone would think I was 'a nutter', they have no such thing as a morality chip in any shape or form.