God Works Fast!

As I marched myself around the corner --to my space...the place I go to soul search, or let off some steam or to find solutions...a van pulled up next to me in the dark...and I heard a cheery voice...You need a ride?
My good friend and as God would have it-my sponsor who lives half way across the parish...is right in front of me, right in front of the Blessed Sacrament Chapel. "I was going to your house-then I thought, I'll go pray instead." Coincidence or God incidence? Doesn't matter- I couldn't believe it...I was just thinking how much I needed to talk to this special lady and suddenly she appears out of nowhere. Now that's how God works. Fast. If you don't make the phone call, he rewires the cables and brings the messenger to you.
I guess the big guy upstairs wants me to know he is still hovering around me...keeping close tabs on me...letting me know- in some not so subtle ways -that heaven is watching...waiting on me-wondering if I've got a clear picture of just how important my worries are--to the powers that roam the sky above...
In fact, I have to tell you--every time something has weighed heavy on my mind within the last month...my good friend has appeared on the horizon...with just the right words of wisdom and wonder to add a little levity and make the load lighter. She always reaffirms what I know within my soul to be true...that right where I am is right where I'm supposed to be...that things are never as bad as they appear...and the silver lining is actually laced in shiny gold.
My gold nuggets of course are my kids...and every night I put my head on my pillow and I give thinks for the gifts of their lives...and I beg...literally beg-the big guy and gals and all the winged wonders to keep them safe and secure and sane, until they can clearly take care of themselves...and eventually their mother. I don't think it's a tall order...not for the source of all energy and light and love that has ever existed and will continue to exist from here to eternity.
Really I don't. And besides, I've always heard- "Ask and you shall receive." "Have expectant faith." So-now I expect my prayers to be answered--in the affirmative.
I've never been good at asking for anything. I could give you a lot of psycho mumbo jumbo...but the fact is-I'm just learning the art of saying, "This is what I want and this is what I need!"
But it feels good...and God willing--I'll get what I'm asking for...within reason. Because really, all God wants is to know that we believe...in a power greater than ourselves...that is always there waiting and willing and wanting to work on our behalf...if we will just ask...And sometimes, like tonight-he lets us know he's Johnny on the spot...fast as a lightening bolt...and wondering when we're going to let him show us-just how very much he cares!
Kater B