Seeing Our Own Shadows

My brother sent me a gift today- wrapped in timeless words of wisdom. "...The rock of my strength and my refuge, is in God. Trust in Him at all times...pour out your heart before him, God is a refuge in us."

My brother knows trouble is swirling around me-testing me, taunting me, telling me that I am in for another challenging conflict. But, this time 'round I'm turning the other cheek. Walking away from the old pitfalls that pulled me into the endless struggles between competing polarities....My old perception that every conflict turns into combat- kept me narrow minded and closed to the unlimited possibilities for personal growth. Imagine making friends instead of enemies by simply taking responsibility for our own lives instead of focusing on fear, hate or retribution.

Since I've been there and done that...more times than I care to count...I've learned that sometimes when we blame others for our problems--rather than trying to find positive solutions-we are actually seeing our own shadow...What we dislike in others, we are carrying inside ourselves. It makes more sense to pause and ask ourselves what is really going on. What is it that we really fear or dislike? When we put as much energy and effort into improving our own weaknesses we become more centered in the moment...with less baggage from the past...less angry and judgmental...We're able to face conflicts with wisdom and detachment...and through conflict, learn to see more clearly. There is a natural, affirming power that follows- promoting greater peace within...and externally among those around us and we make healthier choices to conflict resolution that do not include combat.

So, as the storm swirls around me-over the next few weeks, I will try very hard to stop the blaming game, to clearly see myself -to see how my own shadows- may be casting conflict and blocking the light of peaceful resolution from shining forth. If I can do that, I trust that God will guide me rain or shine, to the peaceful calm that comes after every storm.

"There is no greater disaster
Than enemy-making.
For then you lose your treasure,
Your peace.
When conflict arises,
Compassion always prevails."
(Tao Te Ching 69)


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