Dream, Fail and Survive

Mayou Angelou once said, "We can dream, fail and still survive." Yup-that's me. I dream big and sometimes I fail big. But I always learn something valuable and I always try to turn my failures into positives. It's the way of life...the way of my life-at least here on this earth. And so far-the good news is that I am surviving. Sometimes by the skin of my teeth....other times with a resilience that surprises even me. The evolution of the body, mind and spirit as we travel the course of our lives is a beautiful transition...even with all the setbacks, challenges and brick walls. Sometimes our experiences are a little hard to swallow...a little difficult to overcome. But if we remain steadfast-focused on our dreams-"We shall overcome."

Today-I had to follow through on a decision I have been praying and thinking about for months. Externally it looked to others as if I'd never get to this point...you know the drill-long pauses, gentle urges...soulful advice. But I've learned along the way-that the big decisions deserve and even require some deep seeded soul searching. Some knee bending, heart pounding spiritual reflection. Because, sometimes our decisions are life altering and the honest decision is by far, the most difficult decision. In the end, it doesn't matter if I'm mulling things over a little longer than others would like...it's my life and I'm the one who has to live with my dreams and my failures. Too many times, I jumped when I should have crawled. So now my motto is easy does it!

I have also learned over the long haul, to put down my guard, drop my own defense mechanisms and to go with the flow of positive energy that is being sent to inspire me by a power greater than myself...and certainly, greater than any challenge I am afraid of facing.

I am blessed in so many ways, with so many gifts...so tonite, as I sit with my decision...a life altering decision...that comes with a heavy heart...I am thankful to be clear headed enough to be able to make the healthy decisions...to be able to let go of my past failures because truthfully, I am in fact living the essence of my dreams...and doing a damn good job at surviving!


Anonymous said…
you go girl!

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