The Holy Spirit speaks to me at the oddest times.

Here I am, laid back in a dental chair for an oral examination, when suddenly an overwhelming sense of compassionate, caring love pours through me. I felt like I was receiving a huge hug from heaven as my longtime friend Dr. Kristi Soileau prodded and probed my gums. No kidding!

There were no words yet I experienced an intimately intense feeling of being cared for, much like the feeling a child gets from their loving parent. It was very emotional because I had an interior understanding that Kristi had been placed in my path for protection and support in a weak area of my life that needed her particular skills. Believe me when I say this, my mouth had been like a minefield from years of inconsistent and poor dental care as a child of the military and Kristi has helped repair the damage.

I felt immense gratitude.

Sometimes the Lord sends us a heavenly embrace when we are feeling anxious and vulnerable to remind us that we are not alone; that he is present in all things. It was a grace-filled moment that I really needed to experience.

Much of my life's energy has been poured into people and jobs and for the last ten years as a single mom into raising my children alone. Consequently I am sometimes feeling empty and yes-alone.

Who knew that while lying flat on my back, the Lord would show me he’s got my back; that he is consistently laboring on my behalf and this time through my very talented friend!

Of course Kristi has no idea the power of her actions or that she has brought God’s comfort to me and my sons while pleasing him. She’s too busy doing the next right thing which includes being the best in her field.

Kristi is a New Orleans Peridontist which means she’s in the business of saving teeth by cultivating healthy gums. Well, she can add cultivating suffering souls to her resume, because here’s the thing.

Stepping out in service, using our skills to help others without judgment or condemnation, can trigger a spiritual shift inside a person that is motivating, mind-altering and often-life changing. By rendering service to others we crack open wide the floodgates of healing hope and unlock the indwelling of the holy spirit which then pours through our veins revitalizing our weary hearts and rebooting the best of intentions!

God is with us, he is in us and each and every one of us has the power to unlock the divine mysteries that will transform this weary and broken world, one human being at a time!

This one’s for you Kristi!

“Thus says the Lord; Keep your voice from weeping, and your eyes from tears; for there is a reward for your work, says the Lord: they shall come back from the land of the enemy; there is hope for your future, says the Lord: your children shall come back to their own country.” Jeremiah 31:16-17


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