As I listened to the priest read the gospel of John at Sunday morning Mass, I felt it in my soul. I had made the right choice. “I am the shepherd. A good shepherd lays down his life for his sheep. “ This beautiful scripture and the priest’s heartfelt homily affirmed my conviction that shepherding my children to morning Mass, standing together upon the rock of Christ is infinitely more important than building my rock garden. I hadn't planned on going to morning Mass because I had already attended Saturday evening Mass so that my youngest son Zachary and I could begin laying the foundation for our rock garden. I thought the kids and I could go to Mass in the evening. We were about to bolt out of the door when Jacob came downstairs determined to attend 11 a.m. Mass. My conscience spoke to me. "Family Mass or the rock garden?!" It was a no brainer. “Let’s all go to Mass together,” I urged as I ran upstairs to get dressed. “The rock garden can wait.” We arr...